Thursday, July 10, 2008

Our first perinatologist appointment - AND genders(?)

If you have been reading for a while, you may remember my posts about all the confusion with whether we would get to see a "peri" (high risk pregnancy doctor) or just a regular OB for the duration of the pregnancy. We wanted to see a peri just because it's twins and it would be great to know we are in the most knowledgable hands (not that an OB isn't great also). There was a bunch of back and forth with Kaiser over whether or not that would be possible because twins alone doesn't make you high risk anymore (lots of people with twins!). The last we heard, we were getting the referral but they never called. Ironically, just after our scare, J got the call that there was a cancellation and we got in today at 1! Yes - the third apppointment and ultrasound in a week! (I never get tired of seeing those little babies on the screen, so it's fine by me...I just feel bad for it taking so much of J's time.)

The peri said everything looked great and that we don't need to worry about the spotting (unless something changes). J hasn't had any more bleeding at all so that is great. The Dr said it is pretty common to have some bleeding, especially with twins. She said there are too many twins for the two peris in our area to see them for every appointment, but that we will alternate appointments between the peri and the OB. Sounds great to me! Best of both worlds. We got some great views of the babies and this doctor was more willing to hazard a guess on the genders. In fact, she really looked unlike the other doctor...she said she is 60-70% sure that it is a boy and a girl!!! Of course I'm ecstatic at the possibility but I know things could change. J and I both thought she was more sure than she let on because she sounded very confident and we saw exactly what she was looking at on the screen...seemed pretty clear in both cases. The BIG ultrasound where they check everything over and tell you definitively (well as much as possible) will be August 4. In the meantime, we found out that we now have appointments every other week! Holy cow we have a lot coming up.

Here are pics from today!

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