Sunday, December 14, 2008


First of all, to all of you who have been reading my blog, either a little time or a long time, I want to say thank you so much for caring about our journey, praying for us, and leaving encouraging comments. It has made the journey even more fun and special to be able to share it with others who are interested in surrogacy and hopefully encourage some along the way. I have loved "meeting" others through blogs and through comments. I so much appreciate it when you take the time to leave comments and loved reading through all the happy congratulations on the announcement post. Thank you SO MUCH to everyone for the kind words, and for sticking with us through the last few months!

I have so much to say about the delivery, the days at the hospital, the time since we have been home! But things are still a little hectic getting into the swing of it all and managing between home with Nathan and the NICU with Kenna so I haven't quite had the time. I hope to very soon because I can't wait to share with you! That said, I wanted to update you on Kenna because I know some of you are probably wondering how she is doing.

Kenna is doing great right now. She initially landed in the NICU because she had fluid in her lungs from the delivery. They had to put her on oxygen because she was working so hard to breathe. Her respiratory rate was about twice what it should at that point. They were feeding her through IV. By the next day she was already off the oxygen with a normal respiratory rate. The next step was to bottle feed to make sure she could suck/eat/breathe at the same time. She had a really weak suck and it was difficult for her to get going. She got tired really easily. They started her at about 15 cc's and she did OK so they kept moving her up with each feeding. By the time they got to 30 (one ounce), she had become stressed and had to go back on oxygen. I was really upset at that point because it just felt like things were worse than I initally thought. But, the nurses told us that Nathan is the exception and that babies usually have a few minor issues like Kenna has at 36 weeks and Nathan did great to go home right away. They encouraged us that it was normal and that she would be fine so I felt better. She soon went off oxygen and they decided to not push the feeding as fast. Since then, they have slowly moved her up and she took 45 cc's last night! And, she hasn't had a need for oxygen again. When we called for an update this morning they said that the doctor said if the IV falls out (they get saturated), don't put it in again. That's a great sign because right now she has been getting some nutrition from IV, some from bottle while she was learning. If the IV doesn't need to stay in that means she is self sufficient and should come home very soon. It's been frustrating because the people at the NICU WILL NOT give you an estimate of home coming because they don't want to disappoint. Still, that leaves you constantly wondering, are we talking 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months?? I think there is a chance she might come home as early as Tuesday but that's just me saying that. I think it's pretty certain some time this week and we hope sooner rather than later. Thank you so much for all the prayers. We can't wait to have her home. We have gotten to know Nathan better since we are with him more and I can't wait to know her in the same way.

Nathan had his first appointment with the doctor and he got his first "percentiles". They are for full term babies and she said some early babies won't even be on the chart. Well, even for being 4 weeks early he is in the 25th percentile for height, 20th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for head size! LOL His head doesn't look that giant! :) He is doing great and all was well at the appointment.

I can't wait to post more pictures and will soon. I hope today later. I have to go to the NICU to visit and feed Kenna right now. I just want to say that it has been the most amazing week of my life and I never imagined I could love two babies from the first moment like this. I absolutely adore them and can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together.

Please visit J's blog for details on the delivery - the birth story from her perspective!


Devon said...

i've got lots of NICU experience...for our little girl to come home she had to be taking all of her feeds - 8 a day - on her own, maintaining her own body temperature and weighing at least 4lbs. and in our NICU babies take a sleep study test..that was our first clue that she was almost home! for us, it was 10 weeks later but for you it will most likely be very soon!

congrats on your babies. so happy for you!

Niki said...

I know how frustrating the NICU can be, but it sounds like your little girl will be home very soon! Yay, for the great report on your little guy! You are such a wonderful and blessed Mommy! I will watch for some picture updates!

BTW ... thank you so much for your heartfelt, sincere comment on my blog. It really does mean a lot to me! ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update! I've been checking multiple times DAILY! I've been in contstant prayers for Kenna (and the whole family).

N said...

Devon - I'm sorry you had to experience the NICU so long. :( It just seems like forever and it's only been 7 days. It's SO frustrating because there seem to be no objective measures on how much she has to eat, etc. But hopefully any day...

Niki - I know you understand the NICU all too well. :( Thanks so much for the encouragement.

Amy - You are such an amazing prayer warrior! Thank you so much for thinking of us and praying for us. It means a lot!!

Sarah Andrews said...

Oh N - thank you so much for your update! I am thrilled about Kenna's progress and really impressed with your patience! Your little babies are very lucky to have an amazing Mommy and Daddy. I can sense the excitement and awe in your words about parenthood and I just cannot wait to get there! What great news about Nathan's size and it won't be long until that IV falls out! Big hugs!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the update. I hope Kenna is home soon with mom and dad and Nathan!

I'm also amazed that you could string coherent sentences together when I know you're sleep deprived! :)

Wewurtskihit said...

Glad all is good and fine with Kenna and of course Nathan!

I bet this week was nuts so keep your head and when you have updates, we'll be here to read them!


MyLifeMyWorld said...

Awe how wonderful your update sounds. I can totally hear the love you have for them and parenting in your words. Kenna will be home soon, and you guys can make up for lost time, I'm glad she is doing better, been thinking and praying for all of you.

Take care of yourself and thanks so much for updating, despite the crazed life you must have right now!