Friday, December 5, 2008

No News...

Sorry if I left you hanging after the NST (thanks Amy for pointing that out!)! Since everything has been so uneventful I didn't think to update yesterday. :) But we passed just fine with a few small contractions and were on our way out the door. No babies yet! Can you believe we are just 9 days away from being full term at this point? What an amazing thing! J being on bed rest was a sacrifice that has made a huge difference for the health of the babies. I'm very excited (and I'm sure she is even more so) that today and tomorrow are her last days of restriction! As of Sunday morning she is allowed to live normally again. We were joking that at this point, however, she is now so uncomfortable that she couldn't live normally if she tried. :)

This morning our phone rang at like 6 a.m. (a rare occurrence) and I thought for sure that was going to be it. My heart started pounding as B reached over to look at the caller ID. I gasped, "is it THEM?!!" But, alas, it was not. Since we are so close to 36 weeks now, I do hope we make it past Sunday. After that, though, they need to present themselves soon! I also hope it's not a middle of the night thing. I would be pretty bummed to go to the hospital unshowered for the birth of our babies. :)

Next NST is on Monday!


Nadine said...

WOW this is totally exciting... Hope they make it for the full term and then make their arrival before Christmas, what a gift that would be. You're GS sounds great, it must be hard lying around all day.

Unknown said...

Lol, I'm definitely not going to the hospital unshowered. Unless I wake up and they are falling out of me, I'll be showering before making the 5 minute drive to the hospital. :)

Sanda said...

no news is good news when it means babies are still getting big and strong! But for J's sake I hope they make their appearance not too terribly long after they are full term :)

N said...

J, OK, then promise me that you guys will call BEFORE you jump in the shower so we can do that too. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I checked one last time before bed. :) Glad to see things are progressing, and SOON they will be here. :)

Wewurtskihit said...

Soon! VERY soon! Such exiting times!!!! I soooo DONT miss them...LOL


Sarah Andrews said...

Oh - so exciting!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hoping you are ALL doing well.