I'll give this post the theme of "good, bad and ugly" and categorize the updates that way:
--Nathan, Nathan, Nathan! In the past week we have gotten him settled into Enfamil Gentelease and he is doing GREAT with it! I'm so relieved that he is no longer having such terrible gas pains. It was hard to watch him deal with it, and it was hard for us to deal with the long crying bouts. He is back to a "regular" baby now.
--Both babies have really come into their own with personalities. Nathan cracks me up because he just grunts, grunts, grunts when he is ready for food and is SO excited about it. He gets this concentrated look on his face and shakes his head back and forth in search of the bottle. He loves sleeping and eating and is awake far less than Kenna. When he is awake, he is very rested and alert and just looks around in wonder at everything. It's so cute. Kenna has gotten herself into the goal pattern of eat-activity-sleep naturally; she wakes up for just about every feeding and spends some time awake (sometimes extended periods) before going back to sleep. It's a lot of fun because I get to "play" with her more than Nathan since he sleeps so much. She is very intrigued by my face and spends a lot of her time searching it. Nathan seems much less interested and doesn't hold eye contact in the same way she does at all. I read that that is common for boys vs. girls at this age and it's definitely true for them. Nathan is basically happy as a clam when his basic needs are met; Kenna seems to be more interested in the world and people. She is more sensitive than he is and startles easily. Everything she does is just daintier. :) It's really neat to see they really are two little individuals.
--Nathan is VERY strong. On his fourth day of life (being a month early) he was able to lift his head and turn it over. Now, at a month old, he can lift his head all the way up when on his tummy, hold it for a bit, and yesterday he TURNED OVER! LOL I couldn't believe it. Of course at this age it isn't something they can replicate intentionally but it was pretty impressive nonetheless! Kenna rarely tries to lift her head on tummy time, but when she does it doesn't go very far. I've noticed it's getting a little stronger but she is nowhere near him in this area - by desire or ability.
--Less poopy diapers. Need I say more? It used to be a poopy diaper with every change, now it's like twice a day. One of my books says that happens around a month, and it was like clockwork - both of them started the two per day poopies the exact same day. Awesome.
--The routine. Every three hours is working so great at this point I couldn't be happier about it. At night we let them wake up naturally after the 11 pm feed so we can slowly get them toward sleeping a 6 hour stretch (basically skipping one feed - 2am) and multiple nights they have slept 4+ hours already. It is hard after that to get them back onto schedule to start the day again at 8, that's the only hard part. For example, they pretty regularly go from 11 to 3 am (one hour longer than schedule). Then they go back to sleep and fairly regularly will go until 7. Then there is the delimma - do you try to occupy them until 8 for the sake of the schedule or do you go to 7:30 to get them closer, or do you feed right then and try to go 4 more hours until 11 to get onto schedule then? If they wake up at 6, I definitely feed them and then feed again at 8 since it's long enough for them to be hungry. But 7 is a killer. Last night they went to 3:30 (inching closer!) and then again until 8. HOORAY! I had lost hope last week when I posted, saying that everyone says you can't train them at this age, but I kept trying this week anyway and I have to say it's been working quite well. I don't expect the same fast success as if they were 3 months old, but I'm impressed with where we have gotten. :)
--General cuteness. LOL Isn't that a good thing? They are just soooo cute. We went for their first photo shoot yesterday and the pictures are incredibly precious. We got one of them naked, stacked on top of each other, that is just amazing! They both peed as soon as the diapers were off, but it was well worth it. :) I can't wait to post the pics when they are ready (5-10 business days). I'm still taking hundreds of my own and some videos too. I can't stop myself. I will do a separate post with pictures and video!
--Breaks, thanks to B's parents. No matter how much you love your kids, no matter how cute they are, no matter how much chaos you went through to have them...you need a break. B's parents babysat last Saturday and this Saturday and it was such a treat to get out on a date. We used to go out to eat a lot, which I really miss right now. It's nice to go out to eat, see a movie, etc. It really does feel like the proverbial gerbil mill most of the time with the 3 hour feeding routine, so breaks are very welcome!
--This isn't really "bad", but Kenna has definitely found her voice this week. She is awake much more (after almost every feeding) and no longer goes to sleep easily on her own like she was before. She requires much more soothing. Nathan actually goes to sleep much more easily now! He cries for a short time then falls asleep without me now usually (who says babies can't learn that at this age?!). She is a bit more iffy. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
--I miss time with B. Remember, we were happily married 9 years before having kids, so we are very used to our quality time together. Now we are on a mutual train schedule and often pass like trains in the night (literally when we are changing shifts). There is very little time together now. That's why I was so grateful that B's parents were able to come two weeks in a row like that so we could get out. Our two dates have been soooo nice. I'm really lucky that I am married to my best friend in the world, but that leads to me missing our quality time together. I know it's going to be awesome when we have quality family time when Nathan and Kenna get a little older and things are less chaotic.
--I'm having some guilt that I didn't induce lactation. I still have no desire to breastfeed, but like I mentioned before, I would have given induction more consideration if I knew you could just pump exclusively. J is not going to be pumping any longer because it was more difficult/time consuming than she expected and is ready to move on, understandably. I'm really glad they had about 5 weeks of breastmilk, but keep thinking it could have been more if I had induced lactation. I guess it's hard to beat myself up for something I didn't know about, but I am annoyed at myself for being so opposed to the actual act of breastfeeding that I didn't explore alternatives more to find out of the pumping possibilities. (I'm not opposed to the act of breastfeeding for anyone else, it's just not something I would have ever felt comfortable doing myself.)
Yes, there is one ugly. One big ugly. It was Friday. The whole day of Friday. It was a mini-disaster and led to my first mommy meltdown. I was completely sobbing by the end of the day.
I decided to take the babies out by myself in the morning for the first time. We went to Babies R Us to get some needed items and a couple of baby shower gifts for friends. The babies were sleeping and I didn't have a watch on and got carried away with the time. I didn't realize that by the time I headed for the check out line, we were half an hour over feeding time. Kenna started screaming. And screaming. And screaming. The pacifier didn't work. I was so embarrassed while in line. Fortunately, pretty much everyone in line behind me had already stopped to talk to me about the twins at some place in the store so they didn't seem to mind at all. (I couldn't believe that two babies would be such a novelty at a baby store, but it was all I could do to get through the store without people wanting to ask about them! I enjoyed it at first but it started stressing me out time wise after a bit.) By the time we got home they were both screaming in hunger. So I had to feed them at the same time. This is deadly because it is hard to do and once you do it, they will want to eat at the same time at every other feeding (normally they stagger half an hour apart). The rest of the day we were off schedule, they were fussy because of it, and they kept needing to feed at the same time (which I do on boppy pillows when necessary).
Now, I should say that this was my first week as a full time mom with B back at work. I was quite fried regardless of the schedule issues Friday so combined, I was really on edge. B is almost always at home because he works here, but he was gone late Friday afternoon/early evening. I was just watching the clock waiting for him because I was lonely, fried, stressed, and on huge edge after dealing with crying babies all day. I decided to relax with a nice glass of red wine. That should help, right? (hold on to that thought for a minute)
As I'm feeding Nathan soon after, our house alarm gets set off. I guess it's hard to explain, but suffice it to say that I have been CRAZY paranoid my whole life of someone breaking in my house while I'm home. I slept on my parent's bedroom floor until I was 12 because I was so scared (I have no idea where this fear comes from). So I always have the alarm on when I'm at home. Our alarm has indiscriminately gone off before when we were home and it is terrifying. Our censors just come lose sometimes. But B has always been home before and can calm me down (I'm usually shaking it is so unrattling). This time: No B, just me and two babies. I completely freaked. I jumped up with Nathan in my arms and ran down to the alarm pad to see what zone was open, not fully convinced this wasn't going to be the night I have always feared when some person is standing in my house. I see it is the zone where I was sitting, so I knew it wasn't a break in (logically I knew, but emotionally I was a total mess at this point). I turned it off and paced back and forth looking around the house to make sure. I get back to the living room where I was and see that in my franticness to turn off the alarm I had knocked over my red wine all over our beige carpet and B's computer (fortunately it was closed). There I stood: frazzled from the off schedule of the day and incessant dual baby crying that had resulted, extra frazzled that it fell at the end of my first full time week with the kids alone, trippled frazzled that the alarm went off (which was playing with my head), two screaming babies due to the scary alarm, and red wine all over my nice carpet. As if it couldn't get worse, not 5 minutes later someone rang the doorbell...I HATE when people come to the door at night that I am not expecting. I left both babies screaming and ran to the door to see if it was someone who set off the alarm. I see a man I've never seen before standing looking at my door and talking to himself. We live in a very nice, safe neighborhood, so this is really out of the ordinary. I started crying at that point and was incredibly stressed out. When B got home about 10 minutes later I just turned hysterical. I was reduced to sobbing tears and shut myself in the bedroom.
That was ugly. :)
So that is week 5. I will probably post again before week 6 because I have a post in mind I need to "get out" about my career questions at this point. For now, I will leave you with this picture, which I just love (there is a video to go with it that I will post separately):
Like always, love your updates. Im so sorry about your day out! But I must confess something...my girls are almost 10 months old and I haven't been out by myself with them. Ive been to scared! We always go out together. So good job!!! Keep up the good work, and I can't wait to see the pics!
What a week. But reading it you are doing amazing with the twins!! They sure LOOK amazing.
Fridays are Fridays. You will have MANY Fridays to come. The best thing is to cry out your frustration, give B a shove in the shoulder to make you feel better and move on in anticipation of the next Friday :-)
You are doing great!!! Cant wait for Pic's and Vid's!!!
N You are a super mom based on all the things you have already done with the twins! i am sorry you had such a rough day the next time will be better i bet!
First let me say, you are a brave woman to go out with the twins by yourself! You deserve props just for being brave enough to take them out alone when they are both still so young! So, don't beat yourself up about the BRU disaster...just bring a watch next time! ;)
Second, whoa, I would have totally freaked out about the alarm thing too. And the fact that someone came to the door 5 minutes later...so creepy. I'm glad it was nothing, and I hope that never happens again.
Third, concerning inducing lactation. I'm sure there is nothing I can say to relieve your mommy guilt, but I can say that I know the feeling. And I think in this society, where breastmilk is so idolized by practically everyone, it's very easy to feel guilty about not giving it (or in my case, not giving it long enough to satisfy what is culturally acceptable). Your love and time are the most important things you can give the babies, and you clearly are giving them plenty of that. :)
Also, (I can speak from experience now), pumping exclusively leaves virtually no time to care for (not to mention cuddle) two newborns. I want you to imagine your three hour schedule--pump for 30 minutes while some how occupying two newborns, feed and change one baby for 30 minutes, feed and change baby number two for 30 minutes, nap the babies for one hour. Repeat. Whenever I was pumping for your babies I always wondered how regular moms who have infants to care for pumped exclusively. What did they do if the baby was crying while they had to pump? Just didn't seem like there was enough time in the day to do it all. Rest in the fact that you are a wonderful, loving mommy who is doing her absolute best to give the babies a happy, healthy life. Mommy guilt sucks!
Wow, it's amazing how similar our experiences have been so far! I'm so happy that Nathan is feeling better, poor little guy! And, add me to the list of people who are SUPER impressed that you've left the house by yourself with both babies! I'm definitely not ready for that. I feel like I haven't left the house in weeks! :)
Loved the update - sounds like you've really got a handle on things and are enjoying every moment (except for alarms and creepy men - who would enjoy that?)! So happy for you all.
Another one who is very impressed that you went out alone with the babies! I'm sorry about the one ugly day, but it sounds like you are doing so well. And that pic is gorgeous!
Thanks for the update - I was wondering how you guys were doing.
Congrats on your first week alone! Sounds like you did GREAT. And days like Friday just happen (and continue to happen unfortunately!)- but you dealt with it and everyone survived :) Except maybe that beige carpet...club soda works great to get wine out...and I think salt works too...
Don't feel guilty about the induced lactation - you definitely have way more important things to be thinking about. As someone who did induce lactation, it was not an easy process and truthfully, I feel like it took something away from me being able to bond with A in those first few weeks. I was so focused on the BF, and how hard it was (I know it is for a lot of people), and worrying about my supply that there was not a lot of joy in those first few weeks for me.
I wouldn't change it, because now BF is great and we're 7 months in, but I'm not sure I would do it for baby #2. And pumping is NOT fun - it would have been really hard for you to do all you're doing and pump at the same time. Trust me.
Would love to see more pics when you have a chance - love the one of them snuggling. Too cute!
Sounds like you are doing a wonderful job. I love hearing about your little babies personalities and how you are observing them so intently. You really are doing an amazing job Mama!
I think that it's wonderful that B's parents are giving you and B some alone time and it sounds like it's just exactly what you need!
Inducing lactation - I get my momments of guilt too but I just tell myself that I can't do it all. I know some woman that have been so successful with it and others who have had a tougher time. I know that it is hard to have an ample milk supply with just pumping because a baby would naturally nurse more aggressively in a way that pumping could not do. My SIL has pumped for my nephew exclusively and watching her do so really showed me that it is tough stuff. I agree with Jennifer. With twins, adding pumping in there would really increase your stress level and it might make you "miss out" on some time spent with your little one's that you are so obviously enjoying. I just think that it's a regret that you can walk away from because your little ones look amazing!
What a gong show you had on Friday. I get freaked out at night too when someone opens up the door. I couldn't even activate the alarm at our old house because false alarms scared me so much!
I love the picture that you included of your little ones - adorable. Big hugs lady!
Awe thanks so much for the update, it's clear that your doing an awesome job for both your babies and you guys are great parents. But you can't be supermom, and that's okay. You can't do it all, and will have days where your frazzled, maybe it will be Fridays? I'm amazed you even attempted to go out, but even so parenting is trial and error and learning along the way so dont' beat yourself up about losing track of time. One day you'll laugh about it all.
As for pumping, I pumped for my 1 child for 3 months and it was a terrible choice for me. I felt like I was constantly feeding or pumping or sleeping and never had any time to myself, or with him to really just enjoy. I was always stressed about how much came out and really just didn't enjoy it. Once I decided to go to formula, life was so much better and I felt so much better. There is nothing wrong with formula, nowadays it's pretty good stuff, not better, but good, and certainly not so bad that one would say that breastmilk is better than sanity. Besides those babes got the best of the bm anyway, the first few days where the immunities are there, that's what matters most I think.
Try not to get down on yourself, your an amazing person and doing a great job. Thanks so much for updating!
P.S. I just love the pic of the two of them. I was shocked though at their size difference, do you have their recent weights? Or was it the way the pic was taken?? Either way they are adorable.
Nathan looks like he's ready to take out anyone who messes with his little sis - love it!! :)
I'm super impressed by you taking them out solo - I don't know how I would do that (or if I will - I guess only time will tell!)
That alarm stuff bothers me too - and people coming to the door. I work at home full time and I get so many solicitors and it's creepy.
We all have bad days, but you made it through yours and there are so many more good days to offset those bad ones!!
Sounds like the babies are doing great which is such good news!! Thanks for the update!
BRU was the only place I ventured out in the beginning because they have a mother's room (not sure if yours has one) But my babies did a freak out there too and I just took them back to the room and fed them. Phew!
Ditto what J says about inducing lactation. Pumping exclusively is soooo hard. And it hurts. And it's not fun. Plus, with inducing lactation, you probably wouldn't make enough for even 1 baby.
I'm very glad Nathan is feeling better on the new formula.
And yeah, I hear you on missing time to spend with your DH. It does get better once they start sleeping like normal humans ;) but DH and I still usually sleep in separate beds just in case we the babies have a bad night. That way, we can alternate who's on duty but it means no snuggle tim.
I'm just getting caught up on reading your weeks 5 and 6 update and I love all the detail. I'm sorry to say I especially enjoy reading about the bad times because it reminds me I'm not alone, even though I don't have the same situation as you. I have to just hope along with you right now that things will get better because I am having quite a few "lock myself in the bedroom and cry" nights these days as well!!!
And I think you are really brave to take them out alone!!
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